* @copyright Zend Technologies Ltd 2005 * @version $Revision: $ * @since $Date: 2005/08/24 12:27:55 $ */ include_once ('Util.inc'); define ('CONFIG_SQLITE_DB', 1); define ('CONFIG_INI', 2); /** * class Config * * This class hides interface for accessing configuration * of different types: SQLite database, INI file, etc... */ class Config { /** * Constructor * Lock the php.ini * @param string path to the configuration file * @param int type of the config */ function Config($path, $config_type=CONFIG_SQLITE_DB) { if($config_type == CONFIG_SQLITE_DB && !extension_loaded('sqlite')) { die ("SQLite extension must be loaded!\n"); } $this->path = $path; $this->config_type = $config_type; $this->read(); } /** * Destructor * Unlock the php.ini */ function __destruct() { } /** * This function reads configuration database * @return bool exit status of the operation */ function read() { if(isset($this->cont)) { return true; } switch ($this->config_type) { case CONFIG_INI: Log::append ("Opening INI configuration file: {$this->path}"); /* Read file, split it to sections */ $cont = @file($this->path); if (!$cont) $cont = array(); $section = $this->last_section = $this->first_section = '__section'.getmypid(); $this->cont = array(); foreach ($cont as $i => $line) { if (preg_match ("#^\s*\[([^\]]+)\]\s*$#", $line, $match)) { $section = $match[1]; $this->last_section = $section; continue; } $this->cont[$section][$i] = rtrim($line); } $this->md5 = md5(serialize($this->cont)); return true; case CONFIG_SQLITE_DB: Log::append ("Opening Sqlite DB configuration file: {$this->path}"); $this->cont = sqlite_open($this->path); if (!is_resource($this->cont)) { return false; } return true; } return false; } /** * This function sets path to configuration database */ function setPath($path) { if (isset($this->path) && realpath ($path) == realpath ($this->path)) { return; } unset ($this->cont); $this->path = $path; } /** * This function saves changes into configuration database * @return bool exit status of the operation */ function save() { switch ($this->config_type) { case CONFIG_INI: if(!isset($this->cont)) { return false; } if(md5(serialize($this->cont)) != $this->md5) { /* First backup the old copy */ $backup_suffix = defined('BACKUP_SUFFIX') ? BACKUP_SUFFIX : '.bak'; if(file_exists($this->path) && !file_exists($this->path.$backup_suffix)) { Log::append ("Saving INI configuration file backup: {$this->path}{$backup_suffix}"); copy($this->path, $this->path.$backup_suffix); } $cont = ""; foreach ($this->cont as $section => $section_cont) { if ($section != $this->first_section) { $cont .= "[$section]\n"; } foreach ($section_cont as $line) { $cont .= "$line\n"; } } Util::strToFile($cont, $this->path); $this->md5 = md5(serialize($this->cont)); } return true; case CONFIG_SQLITE_DB: if(!isset($this->cont)) { return false; } /* Need to do nothing */ return true; } return true; } /** * This function retrieves config value * @param string name of configuration entry * @param string section (optional) * @param string pattern (optional) * @return string value that was retrieved */ function get($name, $section=null, $pattern="") { if ($this->read()) { switch ($this->config_type) { case CONFIG_INI: foreach ($this->cont as $sect => $sect_cont) { if ($section && $sect != $section) continue; foreach ($sect_cont as $line) { if(preg_match("/^\s*$name\s*=(.*$pattern.*)$/", $line, $match)) { return trim($match[1], "\t \"\'"); } } } return null; case CONFIG_SQLITE_DB: if(!$section) $section = "main"; $res = @sqlite_query($this->cont, sprintf("SELECT value FROM %s WHERE name='%s';", sqlite_escape_string($section), sqlite_escape_string($name))); if(@sqlite_has_more($res)) { return sqlite_fetch_single($res); } return null; } } return false; } /** * This function sets configuration entry * @param string name of the entry * @param string value of the entry * @param string section where to insert new entry (optional) * @param string pattern of old entry (optional) * @return string old value */ function set($name, $value, $section=null, $pattern="") { if ($this->read()) { switch ($this->config_type) { case CONFIG_INI: foreach ($this->cont as $sect => $sect_cont) { if ($section && $sect != $section) continue; foreach ($sect_cont as $i => $line) { if(preg_match("/^\s*$name\s*=(.*$pattern.*)$/", $line, $match)) { if (strcmp ($this->cont[$sect][$i], "{$name}={$value}")) { Log::append ("Replacing INI configuration entry: {$this->cont[$sect][$i]} with: {$value} in: {$this->path}"); $this->cont[$sect][$i] = "{$name}={$value}"; } return trim($match[1], "\t \"\'"); } } } Log::append ("Adding INI configuration entry: {$name}={$value} into: {$this->path}"); $this->cont[($section ? $section : $this->last_section)][] = "$name=$value"; return null; case CONFIG_SQLITE_DB: if(!$section) $section = "main"; $this->addSection ($section); if (($old_value = $this->get($name, $section)) !== null) { Log::append ("Replacing Sqlite DB configuration entry: {$name} with: {$value} in: {$this->path}:{$section}"); sqlite_query($this->cont, sprintf("UPDATE %s SET value='%s' WHERE name='%s';", sqlite_escape_string($section), sqlite_escape_string($value), sqlite_escape_string($name))); return $old_value; } else { Log::append ("Adding Sqlite DB configuration entry: {$name}={$value} into: {$this->path}:{$section}"); sqlite_query($this->cont, sprintf("INSERT INTO %s values('%s', '%s');", sqlite_escape_string($section), sqlite_escape_string($name), sqlite_escape_string($value))); } return null; } } return false; } /** * This function removes configuration entry * @param string name of the entry * @param string value pattern (optional) * @param string section where to remove the entry (optional) * @return string entry value that was removed */ function del($name, $pattern="", $section=null) { if ($this->read()) { switch ($this->config_type) { case CONFIG_INI: foreach ($this->cont as $sect => $sect_cont) { if ($section && $sect != $section) continue; foreach ($sect_cont as $i => $line) { if(preg_match("/^\s*$name\s*=(.*$pattern.*)$/", $line, $match)) { Log::append ("Removing INI configuration entry: {$name}={$pattern} from: {$this->path}"); unset($this->cont[$sect][$i]); return trim($match[1], "\t \"\'"); } } } return null; case CONFIG_SQLITE_DB: if(!$section) $section = "main"; if (($old_value = $this->get($name, $section)) !== null) { Log::append ("Removing Sqlite DB configuration entry: {$name} from: {$this->path}:{$section}"); sqlite_query($this->cont, sprintf("REMOVE FROM %s WJERE name='%s';", sqlite_escape_string($section), sqlite_escape_string($name))); return $old_value; } return null; } } return false; } /** * This function adds new section into configuration * @param string section name */ function addSection($section) { if ($this->read()) { switch ($this->config_type) { case CONFIG_INI: if (!isset($this->cont[$section])) $this->cont[$section] = array(); $this->last_section = $section; break; case CONFIG_SQLITE_DB: if(!$section) $section = "main"; @sqlite_query($this->cont, sprintf("CREATE TABLE %s(name TEXT, value TEXT);", sqlite_escape_string($section))); break; } } } } ?>