* @copyright Zend Technologies Ltd 2005 * @version $Revision: $ * @since $Date: 2005/09/14 14:26:37 $ */ include_once ('Log.inc'); /** * class Util * * This class used for providing helper functions */ class Util { /** * This function makes specified path nicer * It removes '/./', '/../' and extra '/' from it */ function nicePath($path) { $path = preg_replace('@///*@', '/', $path); /* multiple '/' */ $path = preg_replace('@^\./@', '', $path); /* first './' from the path */ $path = preg_replace('@/\./@', '/', $path); /* '/./' from the path */ $path = preg_replace('@^[^/]+/\.\./?@', '', $path); /* dir/.. from the beginning */ $path = preg_replace('@\/[^/]+/\.\./?@', '/', $path); /* /dir/.. from the path */ $path = preg_replace('@([^/])/+$@', '\\1', $path); /* last / from the end of path */ return $path; } /** * This function returns first argument as is if its a full path, * otherwise it prepends second argument to it. * @param string input path * @param string root path (to prepend, in case if input path is not full) * @return string full path */ function fullPath($path, $root) { return $path[0] == '/' ? $path : $root.'/'.$path; } /** * This function performs matching file to pattern * @param string file * @param string pattern * @return bool True whether file matches patterm, otherwise false */ function fileMatch($file, $pattern) { if(function_exists('fnmatch')) { return fnmatch ($pattern, $file); } for($i=0; $i@U', '', $newt_code); } /** * This function applies XSLT transformation using DOM XSLT * @param string path to XML file * @param string path to XSLT file * @return string result of transformation */ function xsltTransformXMLwithDom ($xml_file, $xslt_file) { if(!$dom_xml_obj = domxml_open_file($xml_file)) { print("Error parsing XML file: $xml_file\n"); return; } $dom_xslt_obj = domxml_xslt_stylesheet_file ($xslt_file); $dom_trans_obj = $dom_xslt_obj->process ($dom_xml_obj); return $dom_xslt_obj->result_dump_mem ($dom_trans_obj); } /** * This function can be used for sending emails with attachments * @param string To: recipient * @param string Subject: subject of the letter * @param string From: sender * @param string path to the file to attach * @param string mime type of the file * @return bool exit status of PHP function mail() - it doesn't mean the status of mail delivery */ function sendMailWithAttachment($to, $subject, $message, $from, $file_name, $mime_type="application/octet-stream") { // Generate a boundary string $semi_rand = md5(time()); $mime_boundary = "Zend-$semi_rand"; $smtp_headers = "X-Mailer: PHP mailer\n"; $text_body = "--$mime_boundary\n". "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"us-ascii\"\n\n". "$message\n"; // Open file to attach $data = Util::fileToStr ($file_name); // Prepare an encoded message $text_encoded = "--$mime_boundary\n". "Content-type: $mime_type; name=\"".basename($file_name)."\";\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n". "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".basename($file_name)."\"\n\n". chunk_split(base64_encode($data))."\n". "--$mime_boundary--\n"; $mime_headers = "MIME-version: 1.0\n". "Content-type: multipart/mixed; ". "boundary=\"$mime_boundary\"\n". "Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT\n". "X-attachments: $file_name;\n\n"; // Send the message $headers = (empty($from) ? "" : "From: $from \r\n") . $smtp_headers . $mime_headers; $message = $text_body . $text_encoded; return mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); } /** * This function writes contents of string to file * @param string string to write * @param string filename * @return bool exit status */ function strToFile ($str, $file) { if (function_exists('file_put_contents')) { if(@file_put_contents ($file, $str)) return true; } $fp = @fopen ($file, "wb"); if (!is_resource($fp)) { Log::append ("Error opening file: $file for writing"); return false; } fwrite ($fp, $str); fclose ($fp); return true; } /** * This function returns contents of the file * @param string filename * @param int offset from where to start reading (default: 0) * @return string contents of the file */ function fileToStr ($file, $offset=0) { if (function_exists('file_get_contents') && $offset==0) { return @file_get_contents ($file); } $fp = @fopen ($file, "rb"); if(is_resource($fp)) { if ($offset > 0) fseek ($fp, $offset, SEEK_SET); else if($offset < 0) fseek ($fp, $offset, SEEK_END); $bytes = filesize($file); $str = ""; if ($bytes > 0) $str = fread ($fp, $offset < 0 ? -$offset : $bytes-$offset); fclose ($fp); return $str; } Log::append ("Error opening file: $file for reading"); return null; } /** * This function executes command and returns output as string * @param string command * @param int exit status * @return string output from the command */ function cmdToStr ($command, &$status) { exec($command.' 2>&1', $res_arr, $status); Log::append ("Executing: $command (exit status: $status)"); return implode("\n", $res_arr); } /** * This function executes command and returns exit status * @param string command * @return int exit status */ function execCmd ($command) { $command = preg_replace ('@\d\s*>\s*/dev/null\s*@', '', $command); $command = $command.' 2> /dev/null 1> /dev/null'; passthru ($command, &$status); Log::append ("Executing: $command (exit status: $status)"); return $status; } /** * This function returns Glibc version * @return string Glibc version */ function glibcVersion() { if (preg_match ("#(\d[\.\d]*\d)#", shell_exec("ls /lib/{libc,ld}-?.?.* 2>/dev/null"), $match)) { return $match[1]; } return null; } /** * This functions works like 'which' command in Unix * @return string full path of the first command that was found, otherwise - null */ function whichCmd($command, $extra_path=array()) { static $which_cache; if(isset($which_cache[$command])) { return $which_cache[$command]; } $extra_path[] = '/sbin'; $extra_path[] = '/usr/sbin'; $path_arr = array_merge(explode(':', getenv('PATH')), $extra_path); foreach ($path_arr as $path) { $full_path = realpath ($path.'/'.$command); if (file_exists ($full_path) && is_executable($full_path)) { $which_cache[$command] = $full_path; return $full_path; } } return null; } /** * This function kills process with specified signal * @param int PID * @param mixed signal number * @return bool exit status of the operation */ function kill($pid, $sig='TERM') { $pid = trim($pid); if (is_numeric($pid)) { $kill = Util::whichCmd("kill"); if ($kill) { if(Util::execCmd ("$kill -$sig $pid") == 0) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * This function finds all PIDs of specified process * @param string name (or part of the name) of the process * @param &array PIDs of all matched processes * @return bool exit status of the operation */ function pidof ($process, &$pids) { $ps = Util::whichCmd("ps"); $pids = array(); if($ps) { exec ($ps.' ax 2> /dev/null', $ps_table, $status); if (count($ps_table) == 0) { exec ($ps.' -ef 2> /dev/null', $ps_table, $status); } foreach ($ps_table as $line) { if(preg_match('@^[^\d]*(\d+)\s.*'.addcslashes($process, '@').'@', $line, $match)) { array_push ($pids, $match[1]); } } return (count($pids) > 0); } return false; } /** * This function kills process with specified name * @param string name (or part of the name) of the process * @param mixed signal number * @return bool exit status of the operation */ function killProcess ($process, $sig='TERM') { if (Util::pidof ($process, $pids)) { foreach ($pids as $pid) { if(Util::kill ($pid, $sig)) { Log::append ("Killed: $process with signal: $sig"); } } // Check whether there are no still opened processes in memory return !Util::pidof ($process, $pids); } return false; } /** * This function parses URL * If no protocol was specified, this function assumes 'http' protocol * @param string URL * @return array output from PHP's parse_url */ function parseURL ($url) { // If protocol exists - return native call if(preg_match('@^[^:]+://.*$@', $url)) { return @parse_url($url); } // Otherwise assume 'http' protocol and call to native function $url = 'http://'.$url; $url_arr = @parse_url($url); unset ($url_arr['scheme']); return $url_arr; } /** * This function strips HTML tags * @param string HTML page * @return string text */ function stripHTML ($page) { foreach (array ('head', 'title', 'form', 'script') as $tag) { $page = preg_replace ("/<$tag.*>.+<\/\s*$tag>/U", "", $page); } $page = preg_replace ("/<.+>/U", "", $page); $page = html_entity_decode ($page); return $page; } /** * This function strips HTTP error response * @param string HTTP response * @return string text */ function stripHTTPError ($text) { $text = Util::stripHTML ($text); $text = trim ($text); $text = preg_replace ("/^[\r\n]+/", "", $text); $text = preg_replace ("/404\s+Not\s+Found\s+Not Found/si", "", $text); $text = preg_replace ("/^Apache\/.*Server at.*$/m", "", $text); $text = preg_replace ("/[\r\n]+/", "\n", $text); return $text; } /** * Checks whether the given IP is valid * @param string IP * @return boolean true - valid, false - invalid */ function IsIPValid ($ip) { if (preg_match("/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/", $ip, $match)) { if($match[1] < 256 && $match[2] < 256 && $match[3] < 256 && $match[4] < 256) { return true; } } return false; } } ?>